Solutions 4 Health
SOLUTIONS 4 HEALTH - Oil Of Wild Oregano & Turmeric Oil
Respiratory, cold & flu relief
Proven effective in destroying Staphylococcus Aureus & Klebsiella Pneumoniae responsible for many respiratory infections.
Oregano has four time the antioxidant power of blueberries, 12 time that of oranges, and 42 times greater than apples.
Effective treatment for Candida, Athletes foot (toenail fungus). Research study demonstrated that a 1% solution of Origanum Vulgare essential oil destroyed all nine species of fungi tested.
Oregano Oil can boost the immune system and stimulate white blood cell production, the body’s primary defence system.
Rheumatic pain
Research has shown that carvacrol a main component of oregano oil to be effective in reducing inflammation.
Helps treat urinary tract infections (UTI’s) and can help kill the hospital superbug MRSA.
Gastrointestinal Aid
Effective against several bacteria and parasites causing gastrointestinal infections. Aids digestion by stimulating bile flow.
Hypertensive Support
Helps detoxify & flush out bad cholesterol in the liver. It helps restrict plaque from adhering to blood vessel walls and prevents free radicals from destroying blood vessels.
Anxiety/Depression relief
It has been shown to be as effective as Prozac in treating depression. It can boost BNDF (brain-derived neurotrophic factor) levels which help alleviate depression symptoms.