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Original Colloidal



Original Colloidal Silver is a natural powerful, prophylactic, germicide and antibiotic with no proven side effects. Around the world it has been reported to be effective on over 650 diseases. It has been found to be both a remedy and a prevention for colds, flu, all infections, all fermentation due to any bacteria, fungi or virus, especially Golden Staph, and Strep, which are commonly found in hospitals. Golden Staph has been created by Pharmaceutical antibiotic conditions. Colloidal Silver has been clinically tested and medically proven to rapidly subdue inflammation and promote faster healing. The body uses Colloidal silver to fight disease-causing organisms and to aid healing. I found in my case when taken daily, Original Colloidal Silver provided a boost to my immune system, resulting in more energy, vitality, vigour, relaxation, faster healing and reduction in my bodily toxins. Pharmaceutical antibiotics eradicate on average, 6 different disease organisms. But in doing so mutate antibiotic resistant bacterial side-effects that are worse than the original cause, but Original Colloidal Silver is known and proven to work without any harmful side effects or toxicity.

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