Bio-Bubble contains billions of organisms per serve featuring multiple strains of beneficial gut organisms, including acidophilus and bifidus (in live form).
Contains food-derived minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants, all in biologically digested form.
Also includes free amino acids, enzymes and billions of beneficial gut organisms.
Our largest selling probiotic - thousands of customers throughout the world rely on Bio-Bubble.
Digestive health and radiant wellness are synonymous and many of us would benefit from boosting the biology responsible for digestion. Lacto-fermented foods have been the mainstay of extended vitality for thousands of years in many cultures. Bio-Bubble represents a return to this tradition. Our market research involving Bio-Bubble suggests that there can be tremendous benefits associated with rebuilding the 'microbe bridge'
50 to 150 mL per serve (per day)
Intensive bio-balancing may require up to three Litres per week (initially).
Ideal additive for baking bread - Use instead of water (up to 150 mL per loaf of bread).