Certified Organic natural vitamin and mineral wholefood & superfood formula
EdenFood Superfood 100% food
Life has become all about numbers and digits. It’s all about the bottom dollar and how much of a profit one can make. Quality and reality take a back seat to this dominant factor. On the other hand, we choose to put our trust in God-made perfection grown in nature instead of man-made junk concocted in a laboratory (Psalms 118:8).
It’s not about how much of a certain vitamin or mineral you take, but how much of that you can absorb. It’s not about how many milligrams you get of this or that nutrient but how much actually gets to your organs from your bloodstream and into your cells where you want it to go. EdenFood uses whole food superfoods created by God and are absorbed quickly and easily. Our Heavenly Father has perfectly balanced these foods that can supply us with a wide range of natural food source vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential trace phytonutrients in the right balance and levels for us (His creation) to utilize. EdenFood is complete nutrition, perfected, created and designed for maximum nutrition easily absorbed at a cellular level, which is what you need. We just mix it together.
Spirulina—highest plant source of absorbable protein (65%)
Chlorella—Do you want to keep heavy metals IN your body?
Alfalfa—Draws minerals from deep in the earth
Barley grass—Great source of nutrition
Wheat grass—Mildly cleansing and full of chlorophyll
Beetroot—Cleansing and known for building blood
Rosehips—A natural source of highly absorbable vitamin C
Spinach— Rich source of iron, calcium and vitamin K
Dulse— Rich natural source of trace elements
Peppermint— Excellent digestive aid and adds flavour
Stevia—May help natural sugar balancing
- Are you sick of paying top dollar for superfood formulas filled with cheap fillers like oat bran, rice bran, psyllium husks and flax seeds?
- Is your superfood formula so complicated with so many different ingredients that you wonder how your body will ever digest it and absorb it?
- Are you tired of synthesized isolates, vitamins, minerals and rocks that you wonder how they ever came to be called “food”?
Finally, a great tasting, naturally balanced blend of wholefood superfoods that your body will recognise and that will provide you with the richest source of natural organic vitamins, minerals, amino acids and essential trace nutrients. These are nature’s finest nutrients, not man-made synthetic junk
If you want Vitamin A and B12 from beautiful Organic Alfalfa, Spirulina and Chlorella instead of commercial vitamin A from fish grease or B12 manufactured from activated sewage sludge or dehydrated cow livers, minerals from seaweeds and organic root vegetables instead of indigestible pulverized sea shells and from organic Barley and Wheat grasses instead of ground up stones, animal bones and metal, then this is the Superfood complex for you!
High in Vitamins, ALL major minerals, over 100 trace minerals like Boron, Chromium, Cobalt, Copper, Germanium, Manganese, Molybdenum, Nickel, Selenium, Silicon, Silver, Sulfur, Vanadium, Essential Fatty Acids, free radical-destroying enzymes, Beta-Carotene, B vitamins including B12, Folic acid, Choline, Inositol, Biotin, Para-aminobenzoic acid, pantothenic acid, 250% more protein than meat (including chicken and fish) vitamin D, E, F, K, P, co-enzyme Q-10, chlorophyll, xanthophyll, flavonoids, gums, oils, resins, yet-to-be-discovered nutritional factors and others that will never be discovered by man but needed by the body…
You will never have to take another supplement again!
A perfect way to start your day, a great morning energy drink and a healthy lift for that afternoon slump: In a blender mix 1 cup of apple juice, 1 cup of pure water, 1/2 cup of fresh fruit (ie banana, oranges) and 2 tablespoons of EdenFood superfood formula or just mix 2 tbsp of EdenFood in some juice. Follow this program for 30 days and feel the difference.
Sizes - 400g & 1kg