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NTS HEALTH - Probiotic Bio Bubble Gluten Free

NTS Health

NTS HEALTH - Probiotic Bio Bubble Gluten Free


Bio-Bubble GS is a refreshing new lime and mint flavoured version of our popular probiotic product, Bio-Bubble. Available in 1.25L bottle size.

Contains food-derived minerals, vitamins, fatty acids and antioxidants, all in biologically digested form. 

Also includes free amino acids, enzymes and billions of beneficial gut organisms.

Bio-Bubble GS is an alkalising essential to improve your critical acid/alkaline balance.

These living organisms provide a rapid response, as the activation time required with 'dormant' probiotics is not applicable.

This enzyme-rich, lacto-fermented food serves to replenish your enzyme 'bank account'.

Our market research involving Bio-Bubble suggests that there can be tremendous benefits associated with rebuilding the 'microbe bridge'.

50 to 150mL per serve (per day).

If stomach discomfort occurs, try 20mL and slowly build up.

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